Monday, June 16, 2008


Hello and welcome to the Purple Platypus Prose! I am the Purple Platypus, and I will be posting poems, stories, and interesting events of my life on this blog. This is my first time using a blog, but I'm not nervous; I'm very comfortable around computers. I hope whoever you are, mystery reader, you enjoy the Purple Platypus Prose.


APS said...

I enjoyed reading about your vacation - especially the science portions! Your tech savvy "ness" is impressive! I'm trying to learn my new mac this summer, but I'm not ready to do all that you have done! I found a game the other day that made me think of your platypus presentation. I was proud to know what a puggle was! Here's the site:

I look forward to reading more!

Anonymous said...

Lee, I was very impressed with your new blog. It's so refreshing to see our next generation moving in the right direction, as far as using their special gifts to share with others. Great job!!!!!!!!!!